"Dedicated to your success"

Independent advice for structuring your vehicle

About Me


Gregory Marbot has spent the last 20 years on the financial markets as sales, structurer, sales-trader, broker, etc dealing only with institutional clients. He had exposure with all the asset classes with a special focus on derivatives. He founded Odinn Kapital in 2020 to offer his valuable knowledge, skills and massive network’s access to his ambitious clients.


Experience in structuring:

·      The development and democratisation of alternative investments has generated a strong interest from small- and mid-sized portfolio managers to create their own structures so that they could concentrate on managing the assets and liabilities. Odinn Kapital’s founder has been on that wave early and participated in the structuration and management of Special Purpose Vehicles in different jurisdictions in Europe as well as Hedge Funds located onshore or offshore.


·      Structuring requires a comprehensive knowledge of existing assets (investable or not), an ability to scrutinise legal and tax rules, skills in project management, developping and maintaining relationships with service providers and being able to understand clients’ needs and goals so that they can be offered the right solutions. It is also a function where attention to details is of the utmost importance since details matter inside term sheets, pricing formulas, T&Cs, regulations, etc.


What is structuring?

The structuring journey is a process that involves a lot of moving parts that are interlinked. Clients’ expectations have to be managed properly with transparency on processes, costs and time to delivery. It is very easy to spend seven figures on a package that will not fit the exact needs.

There is a wide scope of solutions from the low budget turnkey one to the tailor-made programme of issuance. To determine the correct one is a process between the client and the structuring partner.

Odinn Kapital can help you on:

SPV to issue private debt

SPV to invest in private equity

Hedge funds / Alternative funds

Regulated funds

Management company

Actively-Managed Certificates, Exchange Traded Products


Tailer made structuring advisory

The usual approach of hiring a law office for the set up of an issuance programme is still the traditional way for deep-pocketed financial institutions. Odinn Kapital is very aware of this as it went on this journey and reality shows that this approach generally costs more than expected for several reasons such as: lack of understanding of financial markets, more rigid approach, time overspent on details, etc.  

An experienced structurer is able to steer toward the objective while scrutinising details. Odinn Kapital is very transparent to make sure that the client is fully aware of where it is, where it is going, how much it is costing and what are the alternative paths.

Finding the right partners to set up investment vehicles require an independent advisor who is able to put forward what he deems to be the best service providers. Odinn Kapital constantly reassess the quality and features of each of them as markets and firms evolve themselves.

Ad-hoc advisory

Sometimes clients are already on a clear path in the structuring journey but still require some punctual analysis, referral, advice, etc. Odinn Kapital often performs that task of linking together the best services providers and clients. Additionally a sanity check of a project from an external advisor can be performed.

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